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AMMI in two world innovation rankings of ANUGA and SIAL 2022


AMMI in two world innovation rankings of ANUGA and SIAL 2022

AMMI is a brand, unique in its kind in Bulgaria, offering innovative meat snacks in various combinations and flavors. AMMI Meat Bars and AMMI Porky poprinds are an alternative to all high-carb snacks on the market. AMMI meat snacks are 100% natural, without added preservatives, colorings, flavorings, and gluten. These product characteristics give us the confidence to declare the brand at the world exhibitions in the food industry ANUGA and SIAL, fighting for the distinction of innovation.

Exhibitions of this rank gather thousands of exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. ANUGA and SIAL events are the intersection between manufacturers and traders.

ANUGA Taste Innovation Show 2021

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Within a year, the AMMI brand confidently stated its products, vision and mission at the world fairs ANUGA and ISM in Cologne. AMMI horsemeat meatball with sun-dried tomato won an innovative product award at the ANUGA Taste Innovation Show 2021 among 1,300 other products from around the world.

The ANUGA exhibition brought together over 70,000 visitors from 169 countries and more than 4,600 exhibitors from 98 countries. As part of the exhibition program, the competition for innovative products – ANUGA Taste Innovation Show 2021 was also held. It is a trend barometer and source of inspiration for the global food business. ANUGA’s most important innovations are presented to participating exhibitors, sales representatives, visitors, and the media. The selection of the best product innovations in the food industry is made by an expert jury of journalists and market researchers.

SIAL Innovation Paris 2022

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Another peak that AMMI conquers is the world exhibition in the food industry SIAL Paris 2022, where the products Meat bars and Collagen popcorn are ranked as an innovation of SIAL Innovation 2022. The event is long-awaited for all exhibitors, and the jury consists of independent experts in the food industry.

SIAL will take place in October 2022, when the shortlisted products, including meat bars and porky poprind, will be scrutinized for their specific and innovative qualities, from technology and consumer benefits to their packaging. +7,200 exhibitors from over 119 countries will be present at the exhibition. All of them will be distributed in 21 halls, where the latest innovations in the food industry, trends, and alternative and organic products will be examined.

The high evaluations of the juries at the world exhibitions ANUGA and SIAL, the positive reactions of all visitors to the exhibitions and consumers who try and buy the meat snacks are the main drive and motivation of the creative team behind the brand. The goal has always been and continues to be the achievement of delicious, healthy snacks with natural ingredients and control of the entire production process.

Innovation is achieved with courage and desire for a better future, ingenuity, and team spirit. Therefore, our team is extremely inspired to continue developing the brand in bold new directions.

You can follow AMMI’s presentation at SIAL Paris 2022 on social media or here on our website.


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