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Active during holiday with AMMI

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AMMI challenges you to be active even during the holiday!

Share a post, story, or video on your Facebook or Instagram page, use #activeduringholiday to let us see your post, and you could win a travel fitness set and AMMI meat snacks!

You don’t have to interrupt your stay at your favorite vacation spot, leave your friends and family, or look for gyms. One fitness set is all you need to activate all muscle groups – anywhere, anytime. The body is our temple, and exercise and nutrition are the most important rituals for maintaining its tone, health, and strength. That’s why we boldly declare – this summer there is nothing to stop you from being active even on vacation!

We asked Antoinette to show us how she would use our fitness set, which you can win. The travel fitness set includes:

  • Jump rope
  • 3 resistance bands with different workloads
  • Roller for activating abdominal or back muscles
  • Resistance band for activating shoulder girdle, pectoral, and arm muscles.
  • Support knee pad.

Antoinette is a dental student and prefers active rest. She often goes on hikes and attends group functional training sessions or exercises outdoors. If it was up to her, the background music for this video would be a song from her NEFFEX playlist. She proves to us that one must love one’s body, and take care of it both through sports and through food. This also brings her to AMMI. Her favorite flavor of AMMI meat bar is the horse with dried tomato, and of the AMMI Porky Poprind, she prefers herb and cream flavor.

Antoinette’s workout:
  • Warm up with light stretches.
  • Warm-up with jumping rope for 10 min.
  • 3 x 10 – Resistance band shoulder exercise
  • 3 x 10 – Biceps exercise with resistance band
  • 3 x 10 – Roller back exercise
  • 3 x 10 – Abs roller exercise
  • 3 x 10 – Gluteus and adductors exercise
  • After workout streching.


Save the workout to your YouTube playlist.

Do not hesitate to contact a professional fitness instructor to create an individual training and nutrition plan. The video we share with you is amateur to inspire you to be active even in the summer season.

Thanks to Antoinette for the inspiration! Check out her profile here.

*The game is valid until 30.09.2022. The winners will be chosen randomly and announced on our website and on our social profiles.

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